This brings us to Wee One's four month check-up. After the waiting and before the shots the doctor told Significant Other and I we could start Wee One on solids. With the statement 'it should really help with the reflux" (nice doctor talk for hopefully your child will stop puking on everything and everyone in range).
With this newfound information in hand, Significant Other and I set out to put an end to the puking. Cereal went well, though the chunkier the better in the eyes of Wee One, then the process of slowly introducing other flavors began. Sweet potato was adored, squash went well, pears were well liked, same for applesauce. And the best part, the puking was beginning to decrease. Please don't misunderstand there's still loads of puking, I still don't other to get dressed but it was beginning to get better. And I was beginning to think I could raise a non-picky eater.
This brings us to last night. The combination of the evening, peas and rice cereal. The peas were new, but I had yet to encounter any issue with new flavors and I anticipated this feeding would be the same. The first bite of cereal was fine, so was the second, on the third I put a little bit of peas on the spoon with the cereal. A particularly disgusted face followed courtesy of Wee One. Next, back to a bite of just cereal, no problem again. Then another bite of cereal and peas, this time with just a tiny the slightest hint of pea flavor. Disgusted face returned. Determined to persevere I loaded another peas and cereal bite. And then, to my surprise, Wee One wouldn't look at me. She turned to the TV, occasionally glancing back to ensure that I was still there with the nasty food I wanted her to eat. There was not fit, no spitting anything out, just silent defiance. The second I put the spoon down she was ready to be friends again, ready to smile, ready to play. When I picked up the spoon again, back to the TV she went the "try and make me" look in her tiny little eyes. Spoon went down, and we were friends again. I finally gave up and returned with pears which were quickly devoured. Well, small thing you won. You are in charge.
And don't you worry, this was not an isolated incident. The bananas offered this morning were met with the same disdain. She had absolutely no problem with the carrots this evening. I am terrified I am raising a child who will be as stubborn as I am. And I know that silently, behind my back, my mother is laughing.