Let's move onto the other stuff that has left me so distracted and therefore unable to remember to eat on a regular basis. I can't seem to stop growing up. First there was the boy, then I married the boy, then there was the baby (still not really sure about that one. Though she is dang cute and literally the best behaved child ever!), now there is the house. Yeah, the house. For some reason I've decided the ultimate financial commitment is the next step in my light speed path. And seriously, house buying is complicated. Makes my head hurt. I think the lender is going to want my first born before this is over, and if they take my first born I really don't feel like I'm grown up enough to need the house anymore.
I'm pretty sad about the moving, excited about the house, but sad about the moving. I have the greatest living arrangements of all time at the moment. No, I can't live in my grandparents basement forever, but wouldn't it be nice if I could? There's a built-in child watcher at all times, talk about convenient and for the first year of my marriage, before I figured out that toilet paper doesn't just magically appear under the bathroom counter once every two weeks, I stole most of my toilet paper out of the garage. It helped me ease into this grown up thing. I've had responsibility down pat since I was about 16, but the common sense life things took me until about ten minutes ago, and I'm sure that I'll be upstairs by tomorrow night because I need something. Do you think my new neighbors will mind that I "borrow" stuff without asking? Or that I very rarely return it?