In other news, Jillian and I made friends tonight. It was rough. Much rougher than a twenty minute workout should be. I think I may be out of shape. Surprisingly enough it felt good. Really good. And now I feel like I've accomplished something today. Yay me.
I've also given up Diet Pepsi. Now, let's not get crazy here, I briefly considered abandoning Diet Coke (but then what kind of stereotypical Mormon mommy would I be), but eventually decided on simply giving up drinking Diet Pepsi at work. No Diet Pepsi has turned into me drinking water. I'm really hoping it makes me slightly less hungry. It hasn't exactly panned out yet, but I'm not giving up hope.
Wee One has started crawling and there are all kinds of stories to relate there, but quite frankly Jillian has worn me out.
Have a lovely evening interwebs.
Good work! Both on making friends with Jill and on not being bitter. The sun does help with that.