Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Because I can't sleep

I can't seem to sleep. Because I can't sleep interwebs you shall be graced with just a few of my random observations.

1. I live in the middle of nowhere. Okay, not really the middle of nowhere, but a decent distance towards nowhere at the mouth of a canyon. It's windy all of the time. Okay, not all of the time, but all of the time between the hours of 9 PM and 3 AM. This wind makes it really hard to be energy efficient (and when I say energy efficient I actually mean cheap, electricity is expensive) and open my windows at night to cool of the house because when I do so the wind blows my wedding pictures of the shelf in the master bedroom and causes random doors in the house to slam shut, scaring the daylights out of me and making me say words that I am working very hard to not say anymore because I don't want my one year old swearing at random strangers.

2. Speaking of which, I HAVE A ONE YEAR OLD. When did that happen? She just came home the other day, a little 5 pound squirt who slept, ate, and pooped. Now? Well, now she's frustrated at her inability to talk and instead grunts and points and then screams when that doesn't work. She goes up and down stairs, and refuses to let me put anything in her hair, and laughs at herself because she's just that funny, she believes that all food is hers and she MUST feed herself. If you put food in her mouth she will take it out, hold it for a second, then put it back and commence with the eating. In addition, one of her favorite games is to antagonize her mother. Me: "Say mama." Her: "Dad." Me: "Say mama." Her: "Dada." Then she giggles at herself. Little stink.

3. I should be committed, like padded walls committed. I have decided to go back to school. Now, let's review. Full-time (or more depending on the week) job, husband, house, baby, school. Am I completely insane? Yes, yes I am. I'll let you know how that goes. Sleep, I shall miss you.

4. I'm still fat. I'm hoping school will help that. I really don't think I'll have time to eat. I'm pretty excited about it. Forced dieting is still dieting.

5. The soft water man is coming tomorrow! I didn't know water this hard existed, I want my hair back. Let us all rejoice about the soft water man....

And with that, I shall leave you a with my one year old. Mostly because she's so freakin' cute.

Any and all comments regarding how cute she is would be greatly appreciated. And yes, I've asked the pediatrician if she's too young for Rogaine, apparently she is. And she's adorable even without the hair.