Sunday, February 21, 2010

Because my commitment hasn't dwindled, just my methods

Well hello Interwebs. Long time no talk. Yes, I realize this is a failure on my part. However, I feel it should be noted that I have been very distracted with other things. I have been doing fairly well on the not getting more fat. I've made it down to 161. Yay, me.

Let's move onto the other stuff that has left me so distracted and therefore unable to remember to eat on a regular basis. I can't seem to stop growing up. First there was the boy, then I married the boy, then there was the baby (still not really sure about that one. Though she is dang cute and literally the best behaved child ever!), now there is the house. Yeah, the house. For some reason I've decided the ultimate financial commitment is the next step in my light speed path. And seriously, house buying is complicated. Makes my head hurt. I think the lender is going to want my first born before this is over, and if they take my first born I really don't feel like I'm grown up enough to need the house anymore.

I'm pretty sad about the moving, excited about the house, but sad about the moving. I have the greatest living arrangements of all time at the moment. No, I can't live in my grandparents basement forever, but wouldn't it be nice if I could? There's a built-in child watcher at all times, talk about convenient and for the first year of my marriage, before I figured out that toilet paper doesn't just magically appear under the bathroom counter once every two weeks, I stole most of my toilet paper out of the garage. It helped me ease into this grown up thing. I've had responsibility down pat since I was about 16, but the common sense life things took me until about ten minutes ago, and I'm sure that I'll be upstairs by tomorrow night because I need something. Do you think my new neighbors will mind that I "borrow" stuff without asking? Or that I very rarely return it?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Because sometimes I just wish I could move back in with my mommy

Sometimes I really think being an adult is overrated. On a day to day basis there is simply too many adult decisions to make. What to cook for dinner, whether or not to do laundry, car payments to make, cell phone bills to pay, etc.

I have decided the perfect solution to this issue is to move back into my parent's house. My mom is wonderful. She does my laundry, she cooks my dinner, and no she probably wouldn't start paying all my bills, but I don't think I can fully explain how much deciding what to cook for dinner stresses me out. Not to mention the fact that I would have a build in babysitter. All of the time. It would be so awesome.

If you have any suggestions on how I can sell this fabulous plan to Significant Other, please let me know. He only looks at the negatives in my little plan, he sees none of the positives.

Because I have no one to blame but myself. Day 13


Monday, February 8, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Because I have no one to blame but myself. Day 11

164. This number is a fallacy, because I ate a lot today, so tomorrow I expect 167. Jillian Michael's and I did not make friends today, however, sausage dip and I did. I feel the dip and I will be much happier together.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Because I have no one to blame but myself. Day 10

164. 164. 164. Yes, for the record I realize it's only one pound, I also realize it's probably because I didn't have time for many beverages today, but still. And, Jillian and I still didn't make friends today. I don't think you realize how bad I am at self motivation, there's a reason Boot Camp is the only thing that has ever worked for me. I'm still hopeful though, and you interwebs are there to mock if I fail.

Have a lovely day. I'm sure all the food I will eat tomorrow while watching football will more than compensate for that measly pound.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Because I have no one to blame but myself. Day 9

165. Jillian Michaels and I did not make friends today. It was a long day. I don't want to talk about it. Also, I ate a Snickers today. It was delightful. I feel that since it was the only thing I ate all day, it is somehow healthy.

That's all.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Because I have no one to blame but myself. Day 8

168. Seriously!? I avoided the frosting. It has to be some sort of cruel joke. I swear I'm pregnant or something (except for the record, I'm totally not).

I have been considering some pretty extreme measures to assist with my weight loss quest. First exercise, insane, right? Except I'm not joking on the insane thing. I did the exercise thing once, it led me to the smallest I have ever been. Boot Camp through a local gym. It was expensive, I did it when I was rich, I'm not so rich anymore. Boot Camp was great, I had someone yelling at me and making me work out. Truthfully, I'm really bad at self-motivation when it comes to exercise. I'd rather hang out on the couch with a Diet Coke and Snickers. Did I mention that I think people who say they run for fun are either lying or masochists? Boot Camp made me skinny (I mean, yes, it made me feel really good too, energized, but whatever, exercise is stupid), but to have someone stand over me and make me exercise is $75 a month, $75 that I would rather spend to keep up my acrylic nail habit (you may now commence with the laughing).

It must be done. So, I figured Jillian Michaels can yell at me. No, it won't be as great as being on the Biggest Loser, but.... 30 day Shred, here I come. It promise up to 20 pounds in only 30 days. We shall see, we shall see.... You interwebs are lucky enough to be the recipient of a daily exercise update too, because I'm not good with self motivation, as I may have already mentioned.

I have also seriously considered giving up carbonation, unfortunately at this point I am simply too addicted to Diet Coke to take that step. It's still in the back of my mind. Have I mentioned before that Significant Other has lost 50 pounds since Wee One was born simply by cutting out fast food and carbonation? Yes, I think he's stupid. Stupid boys with their stupid magic weight loss.

Have a lovely night interwebs.

P.S. Cops observation for the night, crack looks like gum. Seriously.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Because I have no one to blame but myself. Day 7

165. Finally. Also, for those of you who care, I have some snark to share, but I'm way too tired, so it'll have to wait until tomorrow.

Monday, February 1, 2010